Anti-inflammatory Diet

General inflammation is the leading cause of most chronic diseases, and foods are responsible for a great deal of how much inflammation is in the body. Choose this meal plan to prevent inflammatory triggers, which can help a wide range of people with minor inflammation, to autoimmune diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis. Peater composed with fish, nuts, berries, green and orange vegetables, as well as ginger or turmeric—spices with a strong anti-inflammatory effect.

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Anti-inflammatory diet for weight loss
Anti-inflammatory diet for weight loss

Reduce inflammatory triggers with whole foods  

What we eat directly affects inflammation levels within the body. Even minor inflammation over time with no side effects in the short term, can have a long-lasting negative impact. For those already with chronic conditions caused by inflammation, controlling diet is key. We’ve developed this plan to lead with foods rich in antioxidants, polyunsaturated fatty acids and minerals.  

- Kamila, Peater nutritionist

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  • Indywidualna dieta
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Tomek - wsparcie dietetyka
Tom Nutritionist support I’ve struggled with an autoimmune disease for years that flares up based on my diet. My days or weeks can be totally ruined just from specific foods. I tried different diets, but I couldn't stick to them. Peater changed that because I control my own menu and can talk to their fantastic nutritionists!
Natalia - Gotowanie dla rodziny
Natalie Cooking for family My mother suffers from rheumatoid arthritis. I used Peater to help her daily diet include more anti-inflammatory and antioxidant-rich ingredients in the kitchen. With the family cooking features, our whole family started to eat healthier meals together.
Kacper - Ciekawe przepisy
Kacper Interesting recipes Peater was the only app I could find with an anti-inflammatory diet, and it’s special because it really makes you intuitively grasp what you shouldn’t eat. Studies show how minor inflammation from processed foods and added sugar has a destructive effect on the body.